

Mizoram to get 100 MW solar power plant

By |August 10th, 2018|

Mizoram to get 100 MW solar power plant

By |August 10th, 2018|

Sungevity Enterprises, a solar power solutions company, is gearing up to set up the biggest solar power plant in Mizoram with a capacity of 100 MW. This is based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the Mizoram government on April 21.

Sungevity Enterprises chairman, Premjeet Sharma along with senior directors of the company on […]

100MW solar plant for Mizoram

By |August 10th, 2018|

Aizawl: An initiative under the New Economic Development Policy (NEDP), called the Magnetic Mizoram Investors Summit, organised by the Mizoram government in collaboration with its official state partners Innovations India in April, has began to yield results.

The initiative aimed at enabling a large number of business houses to kickstart their business in the state.

Based on […]